Bone Graft For Tooth Implant — Procedure’s Benefits & Recovery

Dental implants have completely changed the way we replace missing teeth. With implant surgery, patients who have lost teeth to injury, infection, disease, or decay can get a permanent restoration that looks and feels like their natural teeth. Many people know that implant-based restorations can be beneficial, but they may need to be aware of a bone graft’s role in this procedure.

This article will discuss everything about bone grafting, from the procedure’s benefits to recovery.


What is a bone graft for tooth implant?

A bone graft is a surgical treatment designed to correct the damage done to joints or bones. This transplantation of bone tissue can improve functionality in traumatised bones or problem joints. Not only does it help to grow bone around an implanted device, such as a total knee replacement where there is a fracture or bone loss, but it may also fill in areas where the bone is absent. Consequently, this provides more stability overall. The bone in a graft can come from the patient’s body, or a donor, or be completely synthetic. The new bone will grow if the graft is accepted by the recipient’s body.



What kind of bone graft might you require? 

  • Alloplasts – Hydroxyapatite, a bone-derived mineral, is used to create alloplasts.
  • Xenografts – Xenograft refers to a transplant of bone tissue from another animal species into your body.
  • Allograft – Allograft tissue comes from deceased donors.
  • Autografts – Autograft is bone that is removed surgically from one area of your body and transplanted into another one.


Bone grafting procedure: what is it like?

The following information will help patients understand the process of a dental bone graft and what will happen before, during and after the surgery.



Before bone grafting, patients receive anaesthesia to ensure they remain comfortable during the procedure. The type of material used for bone grafting is also essential to consider, as it will affect healing time and success rates. Certain medications may need to be discontinued before the treatment, which you will discuss with our dentist. Depending on each patient’s case, more tests may be required for our dentist to gain a clear understanding. This could include MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, etc. Also, patients should wear comfortable clothing and remove any jewellery before the treatment starts. Finally, after the bone graft procedure, they should keep in mind to arrange for a ride home in advance!



To begin, our dentist will make a cut in your gums, where they will place the bone graft. The bone graft material is placed precisely to ensure ideal results. Dental screws may be used to keep the bone grafting material in place. After everything is secured in its respective position, the incision will be closed, and the treatment will be over.



After your dental treatment, be sure to follow every single instruction given to you by our dentist. You can take over-the-counter pain medication or request a prescription from our dentist. To heal successfully, you will have to eat soft foods for a few days and take some time to rest. If you smoke cigarettes, it is best to avoid smoking during this period, as it will interfere with the healing process.


What are the benefits of bone grafting?

The main benefits of bone grafts include the following:

Support: A bone graft will help hold your jaw together. This surgery can help if you have lost teeth so that the existing structures don’t suffer more damage.

benefits recovery bone grafting croydonCosmetic: Bone grafting is used to support several facial structures and facial bones, which can enhance your overall appearance. This can, in turn, boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Restoration: Bone grafts help you avoid further orthodontic and dental treatments by restoring bone mass and other oral structures.

Improve the use of dental appliances: Not only can bone grafts help improve the effectiveness of other dental appliances, such as implants, dentures, bridges, and dental crowns, but they will also prolong their function.


Get a beautiful smile at Dental Spot  

At Dental Spot, we offer bone grafting treatment and will work with you to tailor a customised plan. Our experienced dentists will walk you through this procedure’s advantages so you can make an informed decision. Education is one of our utmost priorities when it comes to patients! The more knowledgeable you are about your dental hygiene, the healthier your mouth will be.

Call us at (02) 9158 6115 and book your appointment.



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





Bone Graft

Bone grafts in dentistry




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